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Newsletter 3: October 2009
The next general Workshop will be held soon in Thessaloniki (Greece) from November the 1st to the 4th. Discussions about key issues in each working group will go on. And it will be a great occasion to further work on cross-cutting issues. It will be also time to build the first outline for the final documents, the guidelines gathering recommendation for managers. In fact, the Action has been carried out since 2 years, the half of the duration. Thus, it is now time to think about outline and structure of these documents, to be produced in 2012. So, still lot of works to do in the next two years!
All the Echoes team is looking forward from seeing you in Thessaloniki, hoping we will do great work together.
About Echoes
Latvia and Portugal are on their way to participate in the Action. The Latvian MC member will be present at Thessaloniki.
Ukraine and the University of Saint Petersburg (Russia) are on their way to join Echoes. We are pleased to announce these two new members will attend the workshop to discuss and share ideas with the Echoes Community.
Soon, the USDA Forest Services and the Canadian Forest Service could join Echoes.
Mediterranean African Countries are still missing in Echoes. All the Steering Committee members are currently discussing with their Mediterranean contacts to make sure that North Africa countries will join Echoes.
Country reportsAlmost all the country reports, expected on July, are gathered
on the Echoes website . Only 8 reports are still missing. We hope all the country reports will be made available for the next general workshop in Thessaloniki. These reports are downloadable on the Echoes website.
The third call for applications had been disseminated last summer. One applicant has been selected. More information about objectives and results in the next newsletter. The next call for application will be launched on January 2010.
Currently, 8 Short Term Scientific Missions had been carried out on the frame of Echoes. It is a very good result, compared to the all Cost Actions. In the future, the action Chairman and the Steering Committee members wish STSM objectives relate to adaptation issues to better reaching the Echoes goals.
The Echoes FaceBook
This project is still in progress. The Echoes Secretariat has some difficulties to gather photos from the Echoes members. We think it is the way to create a hearty convivial surroundings and to know each Echoes members. So do not hesitate to send your picture!!
Next General WorkShop, 1-4 November 2009 in ThessalonikiThe next Echoes meeting will be held in Thessaloniki (Greece) from the 1st to the 4th November. All information about venue, registration and programme
on the Echoes website .
The objectives of this meeting are:
- Working Group parallel meetings: work on outputs and key issues, first outcome, work plan for 2010;
- Country reports: selection of study cases to complete the 4th part of the reports. Objective: to detail some research studies or political processes, instruments, tools or strategies. This study cases will be selected by the other participating countries. Way of selection: each country proposes 5 cases at least. During the workshop, sessions will allow discussion regarding these cases between attendees and the representatives of country. Results will be presented during the last day.
- Transversal issues: discussed in a specific session. Objective: key issues and work plan for 2010
- Management Committee meeting
- Steering Committee meeting
Do not hesitate to contact
Natacha Massu and
Jean-Luc Peyron if you need information.
Regarding registration, please contact Marie-Hélène (
secretariat@gip-ecofor.org ).
Results from the Last STSM on Long-Term Forest Stand Dynamics - Dr. Fabio Lombardi, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences University of Molis, ItalySTSM at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
The main goals of the STSM were a common study between two Institutions involved in COST action FP0703: University of Molise, Science Department, and University of Ljubljana, Department of Forestry. We have cooperated on long-term forest stand dynamics, particularly on Silver fir long-term forest stand dynamics and its relation to climate change.
Two study areas (silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) – European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forest type) one in Molise Region in Italy (Abeti Soprani) and one in Dinaric Mountains in Slovenia (Leskova dolina), were compared in their long-term dynamics and in their present structure. Sampling activities on 1-ha plots involved the collection of several data, as living trees parameters data on dead wood occurrence and also dendrochronological data.
First results showed how characteristics of forest structure were influenced by past management in the two sites. Dendrochronological results obtained were useful to understand if tree growth trends in the last decades were affected and influenced by changes in temperatures and precipitations amount due to climate changes. This approach could be useful to better understand if latitudinal differences between the Italian site and the Slovenia site induced different responses in silver fir forests growth, increasing knowledge on how climate change could have different impacts on forest types all around Europe, suggesting the need of more studies on strategies to better adapt forest management to climate change.
The result of the STSM will be concretized in a joint scientific publication, in which the influence of climate will be attempted to be evaluated or at least the influence of climate change on long-term forest stand dynamics will be discussed.
From the participants…
… In United Kingdom The Project Forestry and Climate Change: a Socio-Economic Perspective The Forestry Commission, the United Kingdom, commissioned the project “Forestry and Climate Change: a Socio-Economic Perspective”. This work (March – December 2009) was channelled through the partnership in the National Sustainable Development Research Centre (SDRC). The project is led (Dr M. Nijnik) from the Socio-Economic Research Group of the Macaulay Institute in Aberdeen, and is carried out in collaboration with St Andrew University. The project feeds into a larger study to review scientific research in the field. The purpose is to provide an expert ‘state of the nation’ assessment of the current and potential contribution of UK forestry to address climate change. Forests are affected by climate change, can help in adaptation to climate change and have capacity to mitigate the impacts of climate change. The extent to which the mitigative and adaptive roles of forests can be enhanced by new planting or changed forest management is mediated by the existence of multiple externalities and uncertainties, and shaped by a range of market signals, governance structures, policies and public attitudes and behavioural patterns. Specific objectives of the project are to analyse and synthesise existing knowledge on the contribution of forestry, and to provide a baseline of the current potential of different mitigation and adaptation actions in the UK; to identify gaps and weaknesses in the evidence base; and to establish an agenda for research into forestry and climate change.
The REDD-Alert, Reducing Emissions from deforestation in The Tropics
The REDD-ALERT, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation through Alternative Land Uses in Rainforests of the Tropics, a FR 7 European Commission funded project, officially started on May 1 2009. The project, totalling €4.5m, is focusing on ways in which reductions in the rate of tropical deforestation can help to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, thereby making a major contribution to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process leading up to successor to the Kyoto Protocol after 2012, and contributing to the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC.
In addition to the Macaulay Institute, which is leading the project (Dr Robin Matthews) the consortium involves three European partners from Germany, Belgium, and Holland, four international CGIAR research institutes in Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria and Columbia, and four national research institutes in Indonesia, Vietnam, Cameroon, and Peru. The United Kingdom team for this project includes six specialists from the Macaulay Institute, involving Robin Matthews (project science leader and co-ordinator), Klaus Glenk, Innocent Bakam, Shibu Muhammed, Laura Poggio, and Maria Nijnik, with other recruitments in progress. The kick-off meeting, organised by the World Agroforestry Centre, will be held in Sumatrain Indonesia from May 25-29.
… In France Evaluating economic consequences of climate change in France. In 2008, a French interministerial Working Group had been launched in order to evaluate economic consequences of climate change and positive effects of adaptation.
2 studies have been carried out: first, a qualitative description and then a quantitative expertise. In the second valuation, some monetary figures were expected.
10 thematic groups have been constituted: one about “Forest” and one named “Biodiversity”. Actually, 3 other groups are also concerned by forestry (“Tourism”, “Water Supplies” and “Energy”).
The same general methodology has been required for the 10 groups:
- Using only 2 socio-economic scenarios: A2 and B2 (IPCC);
- Using current socio-economic conditions (not realistic but no uncertainties);
- And ensuring distinction between spontaneous and planned adaptation (not realistic until now).
Regarding Forestry, the report focused on:
1/ consequences of an increase of productivity and
2/ extension of droughts and forest fires risk areas.
Real monetary values are still expected.
Next steps:
Costs or benefits of impacts before adaptation should be distinguished from their reductions under adaptation.
Ecosystem services could be taken into account additionally to wood production.
Besides, productivity and extreme events strategic charges are expected from forest owners and should be accounted for.
Reinforced monitoring, research and development, professional training and communication should not be forgotten.
Natacha Massu , Echoes secretariat
Jean-Luc Peyron , Chairman
Please, forward any relevant information about Echoes topics (facts, studies, strategic processes...)
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